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What is Deliciously Different World? Deliciously Different World is a concept of learning of others from around the world, respecting their differences, and acknowledging that despite the fact that we are different, we can come together and celebrate life all at the table.

Where can I learn more? You can learn more on our About Us Page! Or reach out directly to one of the Creators :)

How can I get in touch with the creators? The Author’s email, Yvette Grove’s email is located at the base of each page! You can also submit a Contact form requesting information from the Creators!

Who are the other people in the scenes beyond the characters? You may have spotted our beloved Author, Yvette Grove sitting on the porch, sharing a glass of tea with Mrs. Mae in her garden. Stephanie can be sought in Ethiopia, doing what she does… creating!

Why is tea important? Tea is a ceremonial act of people coming together and spending time in the presence of others. It is an act of sharing space, time, and love with another human being.

Where are Wyatt and Ann in Desi’s dream? Wyatt is from Australia and Ann is from Japan, the two have possibilities of developing further into the future on their own adventures! Be sure to stay tuned!

How can I get in touch with the creators? The Author’s email, Yvette Grove’s email is located at the base of each page! You can also submit a Contact form requesting information from the Creators!

Why are some of the characters not from the same country as their animal character? We believe that animal assistance and companionship can come from all around the world and that these relationships transcend beyond the confines of just your typical, down the street run-in with the neighborhood cat… but we don’t negate the magic found in that! *Some of the best connections and relationships in life are right under your nose!

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